All teens of the 90s, attention! Backstreet Boys just discovered a super news

Backstreet Boys, just gave good news to all their music fans. It’s nice to have been, but also to become the fans of Backstreet Boys. After launching the new “Chances” music video on Thursday night, the famous bandit’s boys gave another fantastic story: they will launch a tour.

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After performing their songs in Las Vegas, the band will launch a tour around the world next year, but this is not the most beautiful part. They are also preparing for a DNA album, which will be released on January 25, 2019.

“This time we are exploring every element of our career – that spans 25 years …” – among other things on the official profile of the group on Instagram where the announcement for the tour and the new album is also announced.


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The news is beautiful for everyone, but especially for that category that has grown with the songs and hits of the famous group. Tour tickets have started to be sold in record time. North American tour dates will be made public on November 14th, and European tour dates on November 16th.