Blake Shelton Is “Reveling” in Miranda Lambert’s Humiliation — the Feud Is “Still On” (EXCLUSIVE)

Miranda lambert blake shelton feud

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The timing was uncanny. Just one day after In Touch broke the news that Miranda Lambert was dating a married man — Turnpike Troubadours singer Evan Felker — her ex-husband, Blake Shelton, sent out a jubilant tweet. “Been taking the high road for a long time. I almost gave up,” he wrote on April 25. “But I can finally see something on the horizon up there!! Wait!! Could it be?! Yep!! It’s karma!!”

Fans immediately assumed it was a thinly veiled dig at Miranda — and sources tell Life & Style they’re exactly right. Blake’s public diss has sparked a new showdown between the country music superstars nearly three years after he blindsided Miranda, 34, with divorce papers amid rumors that infidelity was to blame.

“Make no mistake — it was a direct shot at Miranda,” an insider tells Life & Style. “Blake is reveling in Miranda’s humiliation now that she’s been accused of having an affair with a married man, because he believes she cheated on him.” (People close to the singer have always denied this.) The celeb feud between the exes, the insider notes, “is still on.”

blake shelton and miranda lambert

Blake, 41, “believes some things never change,” says an industry source, “including what he sees as Miranda’s twisted relationship antics.” So when reports emerged that she was secretly dating Evan, 34, who filed for divorce from wife Staci on Feb. 16 — weeks after her and Miranda met for the first time when his band opened for her “Livin’ Like Hippies” tour — her ex wasn’t surprised.

“Blake was always made out to be the bad guy after he filed for divorce and sent Miranda packing from Oklahoma [in July 2015],” the insider notes. Meanwhile, Miranda “played the victim,” putting out an album, The Weight of These Wings, filled with songs of heartbreak. “Blake believes that if she’s embarrassed now over allegations that she ran off with another woman’s man,” says the insider, “it’s sweet justice.”

Some sources think The Voice coach’s digs at Miranda — who quietly split from beau Anderson East, 29, around the same time the Turnpike Troubadours joined her tour — are ironic, considering Blake’s admitted he fell for her in 2005 when he was still married to first wife Kaynette Gern. “He’s a hypocrite,” says the industry source.

“Miranda still fiercely denies she cheated on Blake or had anything to do with the breakup of Evan’s marriage. Don’t expect her to sit back and take the disses for long. She’s going to return fire on Blake,” adds a second source, who doesn’t think fans have heard the last from Blake, either.

“Both Blake and Miranda were deeply shaken by their divorce, and it doesn’t look like they’ll ever get over it. They’ll be trading insults, put-downs, and breakup songs for a long time to come.”