‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Fans Blast Ryan Seacrest For Awkward On-Air Blunder

Cody Hunger and Ryan Seacrest (Image via YouTube / Wheel Of Fortune)

Taking over from an enormously popular legend is no easy task. That is probably what Ryan Seacrest is finding out as he navigates his first few months as the new Wheel Of Fortune host after the retirement of Pat Sajak earlier this year.

Sajak was beloved by millions of Wheel fans. so it’s understandable that they are very carefully watching every move that Seacrest makes and maybe being a bit critical. That seems to have been what happened recently when Seacrest made what some thought was an on-air gaffe, per dailymail.com.

What happened on that episode of the show? We’ll take a look and tell you!

Ryan Seacrest Took Too Long, In Some Viewers’ Opinion, To Announce A Winner’s Victory Recently

Cody Hunger Emerged As The Victor In The BetMGM Big Winners Tournament

Hunger had to solve a short puzzle with just four words. There were some letters on the board and he chose the ones in his first name as well – C, O, D, and Y. He gave the correct answer right off the bat – “Out of the way.”

After a pause, Seacrest finally said, “Cody? That’s it.”

He added, “You got it! Congratulations. You got it, congratulations!”

The celebratory confetti came down like snowflakes and everybody was happy for Hunger.

Wheel of Fortune' Fans Call Out Ryan Seacrest's 'First Hosting Blooper'

But Not Everybody Was Happy With How Ryan Seacrest Handled The Winning Moment

He Got Quite A Bit Of Flak For His Peculiar Pause

There was a thread on Reddit titled, “How about that pause.” People vented about Seacrest’s perceived flub, although some generously cut him some slack. One person wrote, “I came here just to see the reactions. lol I love Ryan but that’s his first blooper hahaha.”

Another posted, “Yeah this was filmed months ago. If it were actually a mistake it would have been edited out. They did the pause on purpose to build suspense.” Somebody else chimed in with, “Ryan obviously did that for dramatic effect. He paused and said his name first. And then said he got it. Not a blooper or mistake from what I saw.”

This remark was not too forgiving: “my dude forgot how to host.”

Ryan, we’ll be watching!