Fans attack carrie underwood for supporting gay marriage

Conservative Christians are criticizing country music icon Carrie Underwood after she announced her support for marriage equality this week.

Not only did fans slam the country singer for her pro-gay stance but also a pastor from Franklin, Tenn. did, as points out. Scotty Smith, the pastor of Franklin’s Christ Community Church, talked about Underwood’s statements on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

What she said in that interview, unfortunately, has increasingly become a pretty broken understanding of what the Bible is saying. You want to listen to the Scripture in terms of what it says about everything, including marriage, including sexuality.”

Many fans that don’t share the same views as Underwood have turned their backs on the country star, however. Some have taken to social media to attack the star, Gay Star News notes.

“I warned @carrieunderwood fans that their idol was going to get backlash for her support of marriage perversion and I was right! #asusual,” one person tweeted. “@carrieunderwood Is a disgrace. Being vegan and supporting gay marriage doesn’t seem very country at all,” another said.

When the ultra conservative websites Life Site News and Free Republic reported the story swarms of readers voiced their disapproval of Underwood’s support for same-sex marriage.

“Using Christianity to defend and promote homosexuality is insulting. Ugh,” someone said. “Being Saved doesn’t stop you from being dumb,” another wrote. “Jesus just let go of the wheel,” a commenter said.
Leave Carrie Underwood Alone Over This Gay Marriage Controversy - Saving  Country Music

The LA Times reports, however, that the singer is getting praise from one conservative group – GOProud, an organization for gay Republicans.

“Good for her,” said Jimmy LaSalvia, co-founder and executive director of GOProud. “You know, Carrie Underwood isn’t any different from anyone else in America,” LaSalvia said in an email to the Times. “The more Americans think about how issues affect their gay friends and family the more they come to realize that supporting same-sex civil marriage is the right thing to do. More and more people are coming to that conclusion – and that includes conservative Christians.”