Kelly Clarkson Was Called “Deceptive” After This Interview Moment With Whoopi Goldberg

Kelly Clarkson admitted to using a medication to slim down, but didn’t reveal which one.

Whoopi Goldberg and Kelly Clarkson


Public fascination with weight gains and losses of celebrities extends to Kelly Clarkson’s journey, including the use of weight loss medication.
Despite initial claims of lifestyle changes leading to weight loss, Kelly Clarkson revealed the use of medication in her health journey.
Bloggers and fans criticized Kelly for not disclosing her medication use earlier, highlighting the pressure and scrutiny faced by celebrities.

When a famous person gains or loses weight, the public loves to comment on it. Oprah Winfrey‘s weight has always been a source of public fascination. Ariana Grande has recently sparked concern among fans who believe she’s too thin.

Kelly Clarkson is no stranger to this speculation either. When the American Idol winner gained weight, she was faced with comments from the public. When she slimmed down, people were still commenting on her body. The public wondered how she lost weight.

Clarkson previously attributed her weight loss to living a healthier lifestyle. However, she recently admitted to using medication, which assisted in her new figure. This rubbed some fans the wrong way, including gossip blogger Perez Hilton.

Kelly Clarkson Admitted To Using A Weight Loss Drug To Slim Down, But Refused To Say Which One


In May 2024, Clarkson had Whoopi Goldberg as a guest on her show. Clarkson began the interview by telling Goldberg, “Every time I run into you, you look younger! You’re like Benjamin Button. It’s like crazy every time you walk in!”

“First of all, it’s all the weight I’ve lost. I’ve lost almost two people,” Goldberg responded. “I am doing that wonderful shot that works for folks who need some help, and it’s been really good for me.”

Clarkson then talked about her own weight loss, revealing, “Mine is a different one than people assume, but I ended up having to do that too because my bloodwork got so bad.”

She continued, “My doctor chased me for two years, and I was like, ‘No, I’m afraid of it. I already have thyroid problems.’ Everybody thinks it’s Ozempic, but it’s not. It’s something else.”

Whoopi Goldberg and Kelly Clarkson

Clarkson said that the medication is “something that aids in helping break down the sugar,” because her body “doesn’t do it right.”

Both women then revealed how much they weighed at their heaviest, with Goldberg admitting to weighing 300 lbs.

“My heaviest, I was like 203 [lbs.] And I’m like 5’3″ and a half,” Clarkson shared.

Perez Hilton Criticized Kelly For Not Revealing Her Medication Use When Speaking About Her Weight Loss Previously

After the news broke, blogger Perez Hilton weighed in on Clarkson’s admission.

“I might get a lot of flack for this, because Kelly Clarkson is beloved, and I like her,” Hilton said. “But I don’t like this.”

Hilton went on to say that he was rubbed the wrong way by Clarkson’s revelation, because he believed she had been “deceptive.”

“What really bothers me is that Kelly was deceptive. She previously said that she slimmed down thanks to eating healthier, a very protien-rich diet, and walking around New York City. And now, we’re finding out, also the medical intervention.”

Some people in the comments section agreed with Hilton. “She lied, lost respect for her,” one person wrote. Someone else posted, “With all that money she has, that’s lazy of her.”

Another person tried to correct Hilton, commenting, “She did lose weight that way, however she had help Perez.”

Prior to admitting she lost weight via medication, Clarkson told People that she lost weight because she began listening to her doctor. She said that she hadn’t listened to her doctor for “a couple of years.”

She did tell the outlet that living in New York City also helped her lose weight, in addition to infrared saunas and cold plunges.

“Walking in the city is quite the workout,” Clarkson said.

Clarkson also said that she had “a healthy mix” in her diet, adding, “And 90 percent of the time I’m really good at it because a protein diet is good for me anyway. I’m a Texas girl, so I like meat — sorry, vegetarians in the world!”

Kelly Clarkson on The Kelly Clarkson Show

During a prior episode of her talk show, Clarkson revealed she was pre-diabetic and that also motivated her to lose weight.

“But I wasn’t shocked by it. They were like, ‘You’re pre-diabetic. You’re right on the borderline.’ And I was like, ‘But I’m not there yet,’” she said. “And then I waited two years and then I was like OK, I’ll do something about it.”

Kelly’s Weight And Body Image Inspired A Song On One Of Her Past Albums

In 2017, Clarkson dropped her “Meaning of Life” album, which included the song “Whole Lotta Woman.”

When speaking to Rolling Stone, Clarkson explained how she always wanted the public’s focus to be on her music, not her appearance.

“I never wanted to draw attention,” Clarkson said. “But for 15 years of my life, no matter if I’m really thin or really not, [weight was] always a talk of discussion. Even when I was on Idol, it was a discussion. I never really wanted to attract attention, because then you talk about it all the time, instead of [your] music.”


“So it was fun to write a song that said, ‘Yeah, you’re right, I am a whole lot of woman, and it’s ok,” she continued. “I came with a brain, and I came with drive and passion and sensuality, and these things that are awesome. If you can’t handle it, that’s totally cool, but you’re not tall enough to ride this ride, then move along. It’s fine.’ We put a fun twist on it.”

Kelly Clarkson attends event for Today Show

Clarkson has said “Whole Lotta Woman” is her favorite song to perform out of all the songs she has done.

“People think, Oh, there’s something wrong with her. She’s putting on weight. I’m like, ‘Oh, no! I’m sorry, but that represents happiness in my emotional world,'” Clarkson told Redbook during this time. “If you gauge your life on what other people think, you’re going to be in a constant state of panic trying to please everyone.”