A Makeup Artist On Instagram Transformed Herself Into Reba McEntire And Dolly Parton
If I could wave a magic wand and look like any celebrity of my choosing, it would definitely be temping. Unfortunately for me and my dreams of looking just like Taylor Swift or Margot Robbie, that kind of magic wand hasn’t been invented yet.

Although some people can get pretty close using a makeup brush!

This is makeup artist Liss Lacao.

Instagram | @liss_makeup_


Obviously she’s gorgeous and super talented at doing glam makeup, but that’s not the only kind of makeup that she does.Liss also uses her makeup skills to transform herself into various celebrities and characters, and she’s honestly amazing.

Here’s her transformation into Reba McEntire!

Instagram | @liss_makeup_


This is absolutely incredible! She has everything, from the smile to the nose to the eyes down perfectly.I can barely get my eyeliner on evenly on both eyes, and this girl is turning herself into one of the queens of country!

Speaking of queens of country, Liss has also done a Dolly Parton transformation.

Instagram | @liss_makeup-


Jolene better watch her back, because now there’s two Dollys to contend with!Liss’ makeup transformation skills have earned her 17k followers in Instagram and over 260k followers on TikTok!

This takes some serious skill!You can see all of Liss’ transformation looks right here on her Instagram.
What do you think of her transformations? Let us know how you feel in the comments below!