The Price Is Right’s Drew Carey tells contestant ‘I won’t forget’ after her mishap rushing to stage

the price is right host drew carey face shot from cbs episodeDrew Carey told a contestant he’d remember her name after a mishap getting on stage. Pic credit: CBS
Host Drew Carey assured a contestant on The Price Is Right that he wouldn’t “forget” after her mishap in getting to the stage.

The popular game show host recently commented about his future with the show, indicating he didn’t have plans to leave anytime soon.

That’s good news for his die-hard fans and the contestants he helps during the show.

Viewers have seen Drew help contestants who couldn’t spin the big wheel during the Showcase Showdown and take time to explain the rules of the games to those who needed assistance.

During a recent episode, a woman from Contestants Row was excited when she got to rush to the stage and meet Drew for a pricing game.

Along the way, she suffered a wardrobe malfunction, which another contestant and Drew noticed.

TPIR contestant suffered a mishap while heading to the stage to meet Drew

During the June 26 episode of The Price Is Right, a contestant named Zaniya achieved the closest bid from Contestant’s Row for a prize package. That meant she got to go on stage to play for bigger prizes.

She began to yell and cheer as she ran past her fellow contestants to meet Drew.

Along the way, Zaniya lost her name tag, which fell off her shirt and onto the floor. Another contestant in Contestant’s Row quickly picked it up and handed it to her before she headed to meet Drew.
screengrab from the price is right episode as contestant loses name tagA contestant lost her name tag on the way to The Price Is Right stage. Pic credit: CBS
“Name tag troubles,” Drew said after hugging Zaniya.

“I won’t forget. I won’t forget your name,” he said, adding, “We’ll get you another name tag later for a souvenir.”

The contestant played a fast-paced game for big money

Following her mishap in getting to the stage, Zaniya played Time Is Money for a chance at $20,000.

She had to grab various grocery items and place them in the correct spots for their estimated prices.

The catch was she had to physically grab the items and place them in their correct spots within 10 seconds.

“I know it sounds tough,” Drew said, informing Zaniya she’d have a little time to plan her moves as announcer George Gray described the items.

She rushed over to place the items within her allotted time as Drew announced countdown updates. After the buzzer sounded, Zaniya noticed something on the floor.
screengrab from the price is right as contestant notices object on stageA contestant thought she broke something during The Price Is Right game. Pic credit: CBS
“Did I break something?” she asked as Drew laughed.

“What was that?” Drew asked as model Rachel Reynolds picked up the item.

It was part of the display for one of the grocery items, so Zaniya hadn’t suffered any serious mishaps on stage.

Her first chance was unsuccessful, but Drew said she now had additional chances. The objective was to rearrange the items and rush over to hit a button, but if a buzzer noise sounded, they were still wrong.

Drew informed her that as she continued rearranging the items, her money would decrease from $20,000 to $0. Unfortunately for Zaniya, her money ultimately ran out during her frantic attempts to win the game.

However, she achieved some sweet redemption later in the show by winning the Showcase Showdown and getting the closest bid in the finale to win her Showcase of prize packages.