The Shania album that outperformed Reba’s

Question: Please settle a little squabble I’m having with my younger sister.

Shania Twain opens up about battle with Lyme disease: 'I thought I'd lost  my voice forever' - ABC News

We both like country music, but when it comes to female singers I prefer Reba McEntire; her favorite is Shania Twain.

She claims Shania’s The Woman in Me outsold any of Reba’s albums.

Since Reba was around many years before Twain appeared on the scene, I am sure her total sales exceed Shania’s. But has The Woman in Me done better than Reba’s best-selling LP? _ Annie Dunbar, Sarasota

Answer: Work with me Annie, in case I don’t have all this straight.

According to Joel Whitburn’s All-Time Top 100 C&W Albums listing, The Woman in Me, released in 1995, is No. 6, making it the highest-ranked LP by a female artist.

Shania Twain's 20 Best Songs, Ranked

Using this power-rating system, Reba McEntire’s top entry is Sweet Sixteen, a 1989 issue.

As you suspect, Shania Twain’s much shorter career renders moot any overall comparisons. Nevertheless, as a fan of Reba’s, you’ll be pleased to know she currently ranks 15th on the Top Artists list, with only Dolly Parton (No. 8) and Loretta Lynn (No. 11) females who hold a higher position.

Shania Twain is No. 151 on the same list and moving up rapidly.

In view of the evidence presented in this matter, this court must rule in favor of little sister.

“Heartache’ in the head

Question: In an earlier column you answered a letter from a reader regarding the Flirtations’ Nothing But a Heartache. I haven’t gotten the song out of my head since!

It has been a while since I listened to oldies stations regularly, but when I was a regular listener, I heard this tune and really loved it. I don’t remember it from when it was originally popular (when I was growing up) so it was like a brand new song to me.

Reba McEntire's NBC Sitcom Happy's Place: Premiere, Cast, News | NBC Insider

Anyway, my question is this: the reader said he found the song on a various-artists compilation, but he didn’t say which one. I’d be willing to go buy the CD just to hear this song. Would you know which CD I need to look for? _ Susie, Milwaukee

Answer: Since the reader didn’t indicate which CD he has, I can only tell you of one that I do know includes Nothing But a Heartache: It is titled Soul Shots, Vol. 2 (Rhino 75770) and it should be easy to order.

But there’s another song

Question: In the ’50s, there was a song titled No Other Love, which has always been “our song” (and we’ve been married 42 years). Unfortunately, we do not know the name of the singers that recorded it. (I believe there were several.) I hope you can tell us, since a radio dee jay we asked could not. _ Patricia Wilson, Madison, Conn.

Answer: The first 1950s hit of No Other Love, from the Broadway musical Me and Juliet, is by Jo Stafford. Three years after Stafford’s Top 10 hit, Perry Como took a different No Other Love to the No. 1 position, this one from the TV documentary Victory at Sea.

Seeking Janice

Question: A co-worker and I disagree on a music matter. He says that, from the ’50s to present, in no field of music has there been a song recorded about a girl named Janice. Specifically Janice, not Jan, Janet or Janis.

But, I recall a song called Janice, yet have no idea of the artist, lyrics or anything else. Can you help? _ John Erickson, Tacoma, Wash.

Reba McEntire on 'Not That Fancy,' Her Life With Rex Linn and How "Time is  Precious"

Answer: Not much, since I can neither think of a song titled Janice, nor one about someone named Janice. Still, there are a million songs tucked away on albums and CDs. Maybe you did hear such a tune. With any luck, by running your letter, someone who has heard a Janice song will come forth.

+ + +

IZ ZAT SO? Though it may have seemed it, Reba McEntire was not exactly an overnight star. She struggled for four years and through a dozen so-so releases before finally hitting the Top 10, with (You Lift Me) Up to Heaven.

Jerry Osborne answers as many questions as possible through this column. Write Jerry at Box 255, Port Townsend, WA 98368, e-mail:, or visit his Web site:

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