‘Big Brother’ Angela Murray’s Boss Reveals Job Status After Uproar

Angela Murray

Big Brother star Angela Murray may be in trouble with her work. Her boss has revealed the status of her job after an uproar from fans. They did not like how she treated Matt Hardeman. She got him kicked out of the house on the first week. Fans thought she was a sweet lady until a switch flipped. Keep reading to find out what her boss has to say about her job.

Matt Hardeman Gets Bullied

Angela Murray and Matt Hardeman did not get along from the beginning. Angela immediately started their relationship by saying Matt was going to be in a showmance. She put a target on his back by screaming this and saying he was just a pretty boy. Matt took this as her going after him. So, when she won HOH, Matt went to the HOH room to have a talk with her. He threatened her by saying if he was put up that meant there was going to be a feud between them. Angela did not like this and blew up on him in front of everyone. She also said he had crazy eyes.
Matt from Big Brother | YouTubeMatt from Big Brother | YouTube

Angela Murray And Her Job Status

After Angela’s blow-up, fans did not like her. They were messaging her boss at a real estate agency. They wanted her fired. However, her boss has spoken out on the issue. She did not understand how fans were this mad about it. She then revealed that Angela must be playing a role as a villain because normally she is:

“sweet, kind, smart, clever, and fun.”

This is the Angela fans saw at first. However, she completely changed after she won HOH. If this is the game she is trying to play, she may not last long. The other players liked how she acted like a mom. Now she is acting like she is out to get everyone.
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It seems as though Angela’s boss does not see a problem with her behavior. She says that is not who she is as a person and must be playing a different role. However, this is not smart for her game, so fans do not understand. However, fans think she is a bully and do not want her in the house any longer. What do you think about the way Angela treated Matt? Do you think her boss should care more about her behavior? Sound off in the comments below.